There is no shortcut to understanding the needs and motivations of the buying influences within your target audience. We recommend the personal interaction of primary research to gather quantitative and qualitative data to identify market nuances and uncovering emerging trends. Secondary research through the Web and other available third-party resources is equally valuable.

Whether leading internal team brainstorming, utilizing customer or channel interviews to validate existing value propositions, or conducting industry-specific analysis to explore new opportunities, marketing research is critical to developing effective B2B strategies.

Branding and Messaging
Image is everything. It's vital to your business future to make sure the unique value your company brings to the market is being clearly communicated. B2B buyers don't make impulse purchases, but they do form snap judgments when narrowing their choices of brands for purchase consideration.

From your visual identity to your corporate tone, we help companies to better understand their unique strengths and how to create and project their brand message to improve their market recognition and reputation. Audiences are complex, and among your end customers, distribution networks and sales force, you have a lot of folks to impress.

Website Development
Let this really sink in. Today, 90 percent of B2B buyers begin their decision making with research on the Internet. 30 percent access the Web from their smart phone or tablet. If your website isn't the cornerstone of your B2B marketing strategy, it should be.

Most companies have a website. But is yours a good website? Are your prospects finding your website? Are you giving them what they want, or chasing them away?

Web users form first impressions of pages in less than a second. Crafting "sticky" pages that capture viewer interest is part art, part science. B2BSmith Group has the resources to create strong websites and the supporting marketing programs to get prospects and customers to your site, for a long and informative visit.

But it doesn't stop there. We continually gather and analyze quantitative the data from your website from which we can extract useful information about your customers and your markets. All to constantly improve the value and performance of your website.

Search Engine Marketing
Building a great website is step one. Tenaciously driving traffic to your site is a synchronized lock-step two. You do that with an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) program that focuses Google in your favor. There are roughly 3 billion searches on Google every single day. For a little perspective, there are about 7 billion people in the world.

B2BSmith Group can develop an SEO strategy built just for you - and your budget. From the integral construction of your website with built-in analytical tools, to the coordination of an extensive program of on-line and off-line SEO marketing tactics, you gain a measurable ROI on your website marketing investment.

48 hours of video is uploaded every minute to YouTube. That's a pretty strong indicator that video is the new medium of communication on the web. And why we are a strong proponent of video content.

Seeing is believing...and understanding. When your prospects can see the advantages of your products, like how they work or how easy they are to operate, repair or troubleshoot, your unique benefits are taken to a whole new level.

With video, effective doesn't have to mean expensive. We've used a hand-held video camera at a trade shows to help launch a new product by capturing booth visitors candid impressions. Gone out in the field to capture unscripted testimonials. And shot video of a product set up to visually support a claim of cutting installation time in half. Not Hollywood. Just nitty-gritty realism. Watch a video.

Public Relations
In the world of B2B marketing, trade media is evolving and expanding its influence in the markets you serve. In this growing plethora of trade media print and online options, content is king. Providing that content to gain exposure and thought leadership positioning via PR is as valuable as it is cost effective.

Trade press editorial relations allows for thoughtful contributions of content related to your products and services, as well as becoming aware of future content opportunities. It's creating press releases that get run to developing and authoring articles that are helpful to readers and cast the proper light on your products. It's providing editorial ideas and helping your company to become the go-to folks for fact confirmation and market insight. And it's disseminating your content through non-traditional online channels such as social media platforms to get your message in front of important decision makers and industry influencers.

Your audiences are apt to do their research before contacting you. And they tend to put more credibility behind the reflections of an objective third-party observer than a manufacturer with an obvious agenda. A well-conceived, consistently executed PR program can get your message in the right hands, and get it out the right way.

Today, B2B advertising is a combination of traditional print and online digital. Together this makes advertising an even stronger component of your B2B marketing mix to create the awareness and action needed to build momentum for your organization's products or services. Linked with your website, you have the added benefit of measurability.

We work hand-in-hand with the trade media to build campaigns that employ a savvy blend of print, digital and other trade press marketing opportunities (like sponsorships, webinars, etc.), crafted to meet your marketing goals and negotiated to fit your budget.

For the most part, B2B advertising doesn't sell your products or services. Most B2B sales are made kneecap-to-kneecap by your sales team (often in combination with your distribution network). You advertise to be considered, and to be invited to participate in the sales process. You accomplish this by differentiating your company and your products as superior, unique and worthy of a trial. A lot of agencies don't start their creative thinking with this in mind. We do. Then we combine an understanding of your audience with cutting-edge industrial advertising strategies to create an effective, multi-channel media campaign.

Sales Support
B2BSmith Group understands the complexities of the sales cycle. So we're well positioned to help you define and prioritize what needs to be communicated, to what audience, and in what way. Whatever the situation, we can create everything from PowerPoint presentations to custom applications, video and collateral materials. We can supply your organization with an arsenal of tools to launch, retain and expand your customer base.

Product Sell Sheet - Sample

Trade Shows
A microcosm of an entire industry in one place at one time. Lots of people to impress - your customers, your distributors, your sales force, even your competitors. Not to mention the trade press. Throw in a whole lot of potential new customers and it's little wonder why trade shows often consume a major portion of the marketing budget.

But do they get the marketing planning attention they deserve? From exhibit design to installing and dismantling, from pre-show brand awareness techniques to press conferences, and from giveaways to booth demonstrations, B2BSmith Group has the tools to meet your organization's needs.

Direct Marketing
This is a great way to target a finite and identifiable market segment with your messages. Whether the messages arrive by postal carrier or by e-mail, B2BSmith Group has the experience to show you what works, and what doesn't. Create attention and distinguish your brand with flair.

B2BSmith Group LLC, 906 Piper Road, Mansfield, OH 44905 Phone 740-244-7869

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